Electric 3-point stunning in industrial pig slaughtering
Since the introduction of electric stunning devices with optional stunning parameters and logging of the stunning processes to achieve demonstrably better stunning results in terms of animal welfare, Schmid & Wezel currently offers the electric livestock stunner VBE 7 under the EFA brand, which fully complies with the legal requirements.
The VBE 7 consists of a compact electric unit and a stunning forceps; the stunning forceps, in turn, are available in three different versions, matched to animal size and species.
Electrical stunning with forceps
So far, stunning is performed in 2 steps: after entering the appropriate stunning parameters, the first stunning is performed by positioning and contact of the stunning forceps on both sides of the animal's head at eye level (celebral stunning), in the 2nd step, the forceps is then repositioned so that the forceps electrodes in the diagonal of the heart emit a 2nd current pulse (cardiac stunning).
This procedure leads to time delays and incorrect starting points of the forceps between the stunning of the brain and heart and the resulting suffering, which should be avoided as far as possible from the point of view of animal welfare.
Anaesthesia with 3 electrodes
In order to optimize the process by stunning the brain and heart quickly and in immediate succession, the VBE 7 and its successors offer the installation and control of a 3rd electrode, which can be positioned from the side, on the pig's trunk in the stunning bay.
The stunning process is still initiated with positioning of the forceps on the animal's head. The brain is stunned by a current pulse at the forceps electrodes. The second stunning is performed by the electrode in the stunning bay on the pig's trunk and the opposite forceps electrode on the head; the second forceps electrode is automatically switched off.
When using the faster and more effective 3-point stunning procedure, it was observed that when the stunning parameters were set appropriately, the animals fell much more quietly and showed less bleeding and bone fractures in the post-test.
The argument of faster throughput times and better meat quality should also convince operators.

New forceps system with 3 electrodes
In very many of the stunning bays currently in use, it is possible to retrofit the 3rd electrode to the stunning bay.
For information, empirical values and suitable stunning parameters depending on various physiological characteristics of the pig, please contact Schmid & Wezel GmbH.
If you are interested, Schmid & Wezel GmbH will be happy to exchange ideas and present experiences in a webinar/online meeting. Please send expressions of interest directly to efa-verkauf@efa-germany.de.